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How to jump start a car when the battery is dead photo

How to Jump Start a Car When the Battery Dies: A Complete Step-by-Step Guide

Is your car battery dead? It’s a common issue, especially in cold weather or after a car has been sitting idle for a while. There are many reasons this can happen: from leaving the headlights on, to the old battery losing charge over time. If you find yourself in this situation, don’t panic. You can still start the car on your own, and we’ll show you how to do it with these simple steps.

How to Jump Start a Car When the Battery Is Dead Using Jumper Cables

This method is the most popular and effective if you have access to another car. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Prepare everything you need – jumper cables (“crocodile clips”) and a donor car with a working battery (for example, from a friend or neighbor).
  2. Connect the cars:
    • Both cars should be turned off.
    • Connect the red cable to the “+” terminal of the dead battery, and then to the “+” terminal of the donor car’s battery.
    • Connect the black cable to the “-” terminal of the donor battery and to a metal part of your car (for example, the engine block, but not the battery itself).
  3. Start the donor car – Start the donor car and let it run for a few minutes to transfer charge to your car’s battery.
  4. Try to start your car – Turn the ignition. If the engine starts, leave your car running for a few minutes.
  5. Disconnect the cables – Disconnect the cables in reverse order: first the black cable, then the red one.
  6. Let your car run – If your car started, it’s recommended to drive for 20-30 minutes to allow the alternator to charge the battery.


  • Never let the metal ends of the cables touch each other.
  • Before connecting, make sure all electrical devices (headlights, radio, etc.) in your car are turned off to avoid overloading.
How to jump start a car using jumper cables

How to Jump Start a Car When the Battery Is Dead By Push Starting

Don’t have access to another car or jumper cables? No worries. You can try a push start. This is an old but effective method for cars with a manual transmission. You’ll need someone to help push the car.

Step-by-step guide:

  1. Prepare the car:
    • Put the car in second gear.
    • Make sure the clutch is pressed down.
    • Turn off all electrical devices (headlights, radio, etc.) to reduce the load.
  2. Push the car:
    • It’s possible to do this on your own, but it’s much easier with help. You can also use a sloping parking lot to assist.
    • Push the car at a speed of 5-10 km/h (3-6 mph) to get the momentum needed.
  3. Start the engine:
    • Once the car reaches speed, release the clutch. This will allow the engine to start using the rotational energy from the wheels.
    • If done correctly, the engine should start up.
  4. After starting the car:
    • Drive for a few kilometers to recharge the battery with the alternator.


  • This method doesn’t work for cars with an automatic transmission, as they cannot be “pushed.”
  • Make sure you have enough space to push the car safely.

Tip: Is your car parked on an incline? Don’t try to push it uphill. Push it backward and use reverse gear.

How to jump start a car by push start

How to Jump Start a Car When the Battery Is Dead Using a Booster Pack

Do you have a portable jump starter or booster pack? This makes jump-starting the car much easier. These devices are portable and allow you to start your car without needing another vehicle.

Step-by-step guide:

  1. Prepare the booster pack:
    • Make sure the booster pack is charged.
    • Turn off all electrical devices in the car.
  2. Connect the device:
    • Attach the red cable to the “+” terminal, and the black cable to the “-” terminal.
    • Turn on the booster pack.
  3. Start the car:
    • After a few seconds of the device being connected, try to start the car. The battery should receive enough power to start the engine.
  4. Disconnect the device:
    • After starting the car, turn off the booster pack and disconnect the cables.


  • Ensure the booster pack is powerful enough for your car.
  • Don’t use a booster if it’s not certified or lacks safety instructions.

How to Jump Start a Car When the Battery Is Dead – Video

None of the methods above worked for you? Something’s unclear? Watch these easy-to-follow tips and explanations on how to jump start a car when the battery is dead:

What to Do After Starting Your Car?

Once your car has started, it’s important not to turn it off immediately, as the battery may not have enough charge to start it again in the future. Here are a few steps you should follow:

  1. Drive for 20-30 minutes – This will allow the alternator to recharge the battery.
  2. Check the battery’s condition – If the battery doesn’t hold a charge after several attempts to start, it likely needs replacing.
  3. Check the charging system – To get an accurate reading of the system’s status, consult a professional mechanic.


We’ve covered the simplest methods to jump start a car when the battery is dead. The choice of method depends on your situation and available resources. The key is to regularly check the condition of your car’s electrical system to avoid such issues in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions About How to Jump Start a Car

Can You Jump Start a Car With a Dead Battery Using a Tow Truck?

Yes, but only for cars with a manual transmission. It’s easier than pushing the car manually.

Can You Jump Start a Car With a Dead Battery Using a Truck or Another Large Vehicle?

It’s not recommended. Trucks have much stronger batteries, which could potentially damage your car’s electronics.

How Do I Jump Start a Car in Cold Weather?

If you suspect the cold caused the battery to drain, it’s a good idea to remove the battery and bring it into a warmer space to warm it up before trying again.

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