Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about TechnoNews
We’ve created this FAQ section to help you quickly find answers to the most common questions about our portal. If you don’t find what you’re looking for among the answers provided, please reach out to our editorial team. You can find all contact details in the “Contacts” section.
What is the mission of your information portal?
Our mission is to create interesting and useful content for you. We explain complex things in simple terms and share fascinating historical facts. We want you to always stay updated with the latest news and technological trends, and to find our articles engaging to read.
Are there articles about cryptocurrencies on the portal?
Yes, we have a dedicated section called “Crypto,” managed by experienced expert and blogger Alex Yurchenko. In this section, you’ll find everything about cryptocurrencies and how to earn from them. We simplify complex topics, provide reviews of new coins, analyze the market, and share secrets and life hacks. The “Crypto” section is designed to help you understand all the nuances and opportunities of cryptocurrencies.
How can I contact the editorial team of TechnoNews?
Contacting us is easy! Write to us at for general inquiries or communication. You can also call us at +38 063 076 0395. If you’re interested in collaboration or advertising, email us at
Don’t forget to follow us on our social media channels to stay updated with the latest news and updates!
Can I leave comments on articles?
Unfortunately, we’ve disabled the option to leave comments on the website due to a high influx of spam. But don’t worry! You can reach out to us on social media – we read your messages and will happily respond.
What thematic sections are available on TechnoNews?
At TechnoNews, we have several sections where everyone can find something interesting. There’s “Tech World” for technology news, “Guides” with useful tips, “Crypto” for everything related to cryptocurrencies, “Auto” for car enthusiasts, “Gaming” for gamers, “Lifestyle” for those interested in lifestyle, and of course, “News.”
Who can I complain to about the content of an article?
If you’ve found an error in an article, write to us at In your email, describe the issue in detail and include a link to the article where you found it. We’ll review everything and make corrections as necessary.
Can I submit my own article for publication on TechnoNews?
Yes, of course! If you’re an expert on a specific topic and want to publish your article on behalf of our editorial team, send your materials to We’ll review everything and definitely get back to you.
How do you protect user data?
We take the security of your data seriously. All details about how we protect your privacy are outlined on our pages: Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, and Terms of Use.